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BTC China Announces CEO Li Qiyuan Elected as Director of Bitcoin Foundation

怎么把imtoken转到平台 2023-10-15 05:12:12

Bitcoin China (BTC China) announced today that Mr. Li Qiyuan, the company's CEO and co-founder, has been elected as a director of the Bitcoin Foundation.

比特币基金会是一个非营利组织,旨在倡导全球数字加密货币的发展;以规范、保护和推广比特币为愿景,引领国际比特币社区的发展。这是中国比特币行业的第一个董事席位。Li Qiyuan's election has won an extremely important position for China in the international bitcoin industry.

After being elected, Li Qiyuan said: "In order to ensure transparency, market health, and innovation in the Bitcoin ecosystem, we will strive to strengthen communication with government regulators; lead everyone to create an environment that supports, rather than prevents, Bitcoin's growth比特币遇到的问题比特币中国区总裁,我们呼吁比特币社区的所有成员积极参与与比特币基金会的对话比特币中国区总裁,共同实现数字加密货币的广阔未来。”




BTC中国的创始人(李启元、杨林科、黄晓宇)和管理团队均由在科技、金融、互联网领域拥有多年经验的专业人士组成。CEO Bobby Lee毕业于斯坦福大学,曾在沃尔玛中国电子商务、SMG百视通新媒体、EMC中国研发中心和雅虎担任高管。